Friday, April 22, 2011

18 week update

Here's a pic from Monday (18w0d)
There is no way that child is only 6 inches long! I find myself constantly holding my belly, because I don't want people to think I'm just fat! Nick thinks this is crazy, but I don't care.
So I went to the doctor on Wednesday, I was half tempted to try to sneak into the U/S room and give myself an ultrasound. But I didn't. Heartrate was 161. At 10 weeks it was 180, 14 weeks 168 and 18 weeks 161. Doc says this is perfect. According to the old wives tales, this would mean girl. We'll see!
Symptoms: Heartburn is getting worse. Tums barely puts a dent in it. Luckily it isn't too severe. In the evenings, especially after an active day, my lower back is so sore I can barely walk. It feels like a nerve is pinched. This has been going on since like week 10 it seems.
Movement: Yes. Today I think was my first big kick. It's usually once a day, after my daily caffiene. I love it. It helps me feel "connected."
Weight Gain: Hovering at 11 pounds. Sometimes a pound more, sometimes a pound less.
Exercise: I've been trying. I probably only took one walk this week, but I've kept busy and haven't been laying around much at all. I feel like cleaning out the refrigerator is exercise, isn't it?
Baby Names: Nothing new here!
Dreams: I finally had a little girl dream. I was starting to feel guilty about all the boy dreams. But, the baby was also a kitten half the time. I took her to visit my mom and dad to play with their cat, Cleo, and Cleo attacked her. It was actually very stressful. My dreams are SO Weird! Haha.
Other: I can't think of anything else! Happy Easter!

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