Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 6 (+3 days) Check In

So I finally broke down and took a belly pic. I am really wishing I wouldn't have gained that 15 pounds over the holidays! Yuck! I guess I'll be trying to do these pictures weekly. Obviously now it's all fat/bloat. I'm counting down the days until it's the baby and not the belly fat!


Weight: Haven't gained a thing, yet.

Symptoms: My boobs are less sore than the past two weeks, but they seem to be getting bigger and are looking weird (I will spare you those lovely details). The nausea set in a few days ago, and unless I am eating, I am nauseous from 10am until I fall asleep. It's really quite a joy. So although I've made a few mad dashes into the bathroom, so far I've managed to keep everything down.

That's all for the update. Thanks for reading this, mom. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yep. I created a baby blog.

So, I am 6 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are elated and it is the worst kept secret in the world (i.e. It's not really a secret). Our first doctor's appointment is in 3 1/2 weeks (February 21st). That feels like forever away!

Well, my lunch hour is totally over, I'll update this thing later. Just wanted to make my first post. I feel so cool.