Monday, March 14, 2011

It's been a while: Week 13 Update

Well, here I am at Week 13, almost out of 1st Trimester! Time has been flying! This weekend was a busy one. Nick's band played Friday and Saturday night, which was a ton of fun but I had to leave early both nights because I was so tired. Then Saturday during the day, my best friend and I went shopping for maternity clothes. I bought 2 pairs of dress pants and 1 pair of jeans. Let me just say, they are AMAZING. I love maternity pants!

On Sunday my mom taught me how to sew! She says I'm "nesting." I'm sure Nick would love if my nesting would come in the form of cooking or cleaning, but noooo... I have to be all ambitious and want to make things. So for our first project, we are making a shopping cart cover like this:
Except with this fabric:
My mom helped me get through the cutting of the fabric and the first sewing machine lesson, and now I'm on my own. Wish me luck!! I'll post a picture of the finished project when/if I get it done!

How I'm feeling:I've been nauseous, off and on mainly around lunchtime until I go to bed. The thought of certain foods that I can't even type have me running to the bathroom (wasted effort though, as I have yet to puke). I don't have much of an appetitite and what I do crave is sweet (hello, wafflecrisp!). Luckily, I've had a little more energy and have been staying up past 9pm!
My belly/weight: My weight is holding steady but my belly is growing like crazy. I'll try to take a new pic soon!
Goal(s) for the week I still haven't gotten back into working out. So in addition to the sewing project and getting the house clean, I'd like to try to work out at least three times.

That's all for now, I'll try to update more often, but no promises. Happy Monday!!

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