Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Oh so much to tell you...

So I have been seriously slacking in the blogging department. My first bit of news is... NUG IS A BOY!

Here's the story:So Nick and I convinced ourselves that we were having a girl on the way to my 20 week anatomy scan. We discussed things we'd do with a girl, things we'd teach her, dressing her up, etc. I'm not sure why, but maybe to build ourselves up to be excited about a girl because we knew we both wanted a boy first. We would have been thrilled either way, I can say that with certainty. We got right in to our appointment and when the U/S tech put the wand to my belly, the "goods" were front and center! If we would have not wanted to know it would have been impossible. In fact, as a gut reaction, she pulled the wand back for a moment. But then when she put it back, there they were again! I immediately began crying. I wish I had a picture of Nick's face... this open-mouthed smile/disbelief/shock... absolutely precious. The rest of the scan went perfect. We saw all four chambers of the heart, his little face (he was covering his eye with one of his lil hands!), his big huge feet, and all of his perfect little body.
Afterwards, we were in shock. The plan was to meet the entire family at 6 at my parents house to break the news. Since we had time to kill, we went to the mall with intentions of buying an outfit but couldn't find anything. I accidentally spilled the beans to my mom when I sent her an u/s pic and said HIS little hand was covering his face. So she knew. Next, my aunt Kathy was texting me saying she couldn't come to the big reveal because she had a minor outpatient surgery earlier and had a headache. She guilted me into telling her. Then we got home and my aunt Leigh Ann came over and wanted to walk, well, she talked me into telling her. So now three people know the big "secret." Nick texted me while I was on a walk asking if I'd told Leigh Ann, I lied and said "no" (full intentions of telling him later) and he said "Well, I told Ryan and Tommy" (they are my cousins, Leigh Ann's sons). Okay, so here we are with this big "secret" that half my family now knows.
So our method of reveal was that I put snakes, snails, and puppy dog tails (drawn on construction paper and cut out) in plastic easter eggs. Just in case they didn't get the hint, I also added two peanuts in each. When the moment came and everyone was gathered (Nick's mom, dad, sister along with my mom, dad, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents) I had them open the eggs up at the same time. Everyone starts digging around in the eggs and my grandmother, God love her, yells "NUTS! IT'S A BOY!"
Everyone then went nuts (he he no pun intended) and we all had a great dinner together. Really was an amazing day.

I'll have to post pictures later from home, but I wanted to stop by and tell the good news, even if it is 4 1/2 weeks later! To summarize: We are thrilled, we haven't picked a name yet, nug is kicking me like crazy, and my belly is as big as a men's basketball.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

19 Week Update

Well, I noticed at Easter Mass that everyone was staring at my belly, so it must be getting big!
Symptoms: Back hasn't been too bad, but I've been having growing pains! Sharp and intense, sometimes at the top of my belly, sometimes down low. And the heartburn happens at least twice a day.
Movement: Today my little one must have slept in, because I usually feel him/her when I drink my daily pop, but I didn't feel today until 10ish.
Weight Gain: Haven't stepped on the scale!
Exercise: Well, I'm trying. I laid around all day yesterday and feel guilty. But the days before that I went on a walk or bike ride. I guess I'm allowed to have a don't move a muscle day every once in a while.
Baby Names: For a boy, I've been thinking Louis, calling him Louie. I like Sam better though.
Dreams: Last night I dreamt that I was having an affair with Prince William, and spent the night with him the day before his Royal Wedding! It was actually pretty awkward, and he kept morphing into a guy from my high school class. So weird. I am not even following the whole Royal Wedding thing, I'm ready for it to be over!
Other: I have random emotional spells. On Easter, Nick got called in right before our family get-together. I cried 4 times after he left. Why? I'm not sure. But I'll just continue to laugh/cry (yes, I am laughing at myself while crying) randomly, I suppose. It's not too bad, at least I'm not yelling at anyone!

Next week will be the big announcement! Stay tuned! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Nursery: Boy & Girl Ideas

So here is my baby girl nursery. I'm inspired by this really pretty paisley fabric (Sweet Nothings' "Paisley Cream"). Plan on making my own bedskirt and curtains and painting a similar mural (the leaves will be bigger and prettier, this was the best I could do with "paint."
And here is the baby boy nursery. Once again, I was inspired by fabric! ("Groovy Guitars" by Micheal Miller) I will make the mobile myself, using fishing line, an embroidery ring, and felt. Same goes for curtains and bed skirt!

So... 8 more days until I find out if I'll be decorating in groovy guitars or pretty paisley! I cannot wait!

Friday, April 22, 2011

18 week update

Here's a pic from Monday (18w0d)
There is no way that child is only 6 inches long! I find myself constantly holding my belly, because I don't want people to think I'm just fat! Nick thinks this is crazy, but I don't care.
So I went to the doctor on Wednesday, I was half tempted to try to sneak into the U/S room and give myself an ultrasound. But I didn't. Heartrate was 161. At 10 weeks it was 180, 14 weeks 168 and 18 weeks 161. Doc says this is perfect. According to the old wives tales, this would mean girl. We'll see!
Symptoms: Heartburn is getting worse. Tums barely puts a dent in it. Luckily it isn't too severe. In the evenings, especially after an active day, my lower back is so sore I can barely walk. It feels like a nerve is pinched. This has been going on since like week 10 it seems.
Movement: Yes. Today I think was my first big kick. It's usually once a day, after my daily caffiene. I love it. It helps me feel "connected."
Weight Gain: Hovering at 11 pounds. Sometimes a pound more, sometimes a pound less.
Exercise: I've been trying. I probably only took one walk this week, but I've kept busy and haven't been laying around much at all. I feel like cleaning out the refrigerator is exercise, isn't it?
Baby Names: Nothing new here!
Dreams: I finally had a little girl dream. I was starting to feel guilty about all the boy dreams. But, the baby was also a kitten half the time. I took her to visit my mom and dad to play with their cat, Cleo, and Cleo attacked her. It was actually very stressful. My dreams are SO Weird! Haha.
Other: I can't think of anything else! Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

There's a karate kid in my belly: 17w3d update

Well, I thought I felt the baby kick last week, but this week I'm sure. He/she loves my morning mountain dews! I'm not sure I can describe the kicks, besides someone just lightly flicking me from the inside. It feels like you would think it would feel, basically. Here's my festive bump pic:
It's getting bigger!
Symptoms: Lower back pain still and heartburn galore! Tums are my new best friend.
Movement: Yes. Loving it!
Weight gain: Holding steady at 9 pounds.
Exercise: Went on a big hike on Sunday, it wiped me out! But I've been shooting for cardio 3 or 4 times a week. Now I need to work more on legs and arms, short/bathing suit season is creeping up on me.
Baby Names:Nothing new.
Dreams:I've been having some crazy dreams, so I thought I'd add this category. Last night I dreamt that we had an U/S and it was a boy. We were practically shouting it from the rooftops. That's the 3rd or 4th "boy" dream I've had. The other night I had a dream that I had to have my hand amputated and that Keith Urban was my boyfriend. Totally random. They range from perfectly normal to perfectly weird.
Other: Regular appointment next week. Secretly hoping they decide to do an U/S and I get to find out boy or girl. I guess that's not a secret anymore, eh? But really, only 3 more weeks, it'll fly! I might be getting a new job, which is exciting. My career is looking up, Nick passed his Hessie test yesterday which means he is pretty much for sure graduating nursing school in June... I love that we are going to be in a good financial place to bring a baby into the world. It's a great feeling. Overall I am really enjoying being pregnant and very happy.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

16 Weeks!

I thought I would stop in to record a milestone... I think I can feel the baby!

On Sunday (April 2nd), I was in Mass and listening to the gospel reading, when I felt a pretty definite flutter. It wasn't gas, my stomach was otherwise normal. Since then, it's like I can just feel when the baby is active or not. It's not kicks or flutters, it's just somehow I know. When Nick went to do the doppler on me, I pointed to exactly where the baby was and immediately we picked up the heartbeat, thump thump thumping away!

I don't have a pic from week 16, but here's my week 15 pic:

Symptoms: Back still hurting! Other than that I feel fab.
Movement: Yes, I think, see above!
Weight gain: I'm creeping on the 10lb mark... Oh no!
Exercise: So much more! I have been going to gym, going on walks with Nick, have been trying to stay very active. It helps me feel great.
What I miss:I'm over missing beer and wine. I'm starting to really enjoy being pregnant.
Baby Names:Still set on Lela Jane for a girl. For a boy I am liking Casey and Samuel. But I'm not in love with them yet. We will see!
Other: I am so excited to find out if Nug is a boy or girl! Only 4 more weeks. It feels like the pregnancy is flying by. I am super excited to hold and love and take care of this baby. It's just crazy to think in a few short months I will be a mommy to this precious angel. Sorry, my hormones are making me mushy!

As Nick would say, "Peace, love and hairgrease!"

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baby Bump Pic: 14 Weeks + 2 Days

Just thought I'd share a totally amazingly awesome work bathroom pic. :) Although Baby E is the size of a peach or lemon (depending on which website you are on), he/she is making my belly the size of a basketball.
Exibit A: Photobucket
Oh well! I'm feeling SO much better. Nick and I actually played tennis yesterday! I love that I'm feeling better just as spring weather is rolling in. Awesome.
My doctor's appointment is today at 1:15, I'll try to give ya'll an update as soon as I can. I'll also try to do a blog post soon with my craft projects... I'm in full nesting mode, that's for sure.

Peace out.

Monday, March 14, 2011

It's been a while: Week 13 Update

Well, here I am at Week 13, almost out of 1st Trimester! Time has been flying! This weekend was a busy one. Nick's band played Friday and Saturday night, which was a ton of fun but I had to leave early both nights because I was so tired. Then Saturday during the day, my best friend and I went shopping for maternity clothes. I bought 2 pairs of dress pants and 1 pair of jeans. Let me just say, they are AMAZING. I love maternity pants!

On Sunday my mom taught me how to sew! She says I'm "nesting." I'm sure Nick would love if my nesting would come in the form of cooking or cleaning, but noooo... I have to be all ambitious and want to make things. So for our first project, we are making a shopping cart cover like this:
Except with this fabric:
My mom helped me get through the cutting of the fabric and the first sewing machine lesson, and now I'm on my own. Wish me luck!! I'll post a picture of the finished project when/if I get it done!

How I'm feeling:I've been nauseous, off and on mainly around lunchtime until I go to bed. The thought of certain foods that I can't even type have me running to the bathroom (wasted effort though, as I have yet to puke). I don't have much of an appetitite and what I do crave is sweet (hello, wafflecrisp!). Luckily, I've had a little more energy and have been staying up past 9pm!
My belly/weight: My weight is holding steady but my belly is growing like crazy. I'll try to take a new pic soon!
Goal(s) for the week I still haven't gotten back into working out. So in addition to the sewing project and getting the house clean, I'd like to try to work out at least three times.

That's all for now, I'll try to update more often, but no promises. Happy Monday!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Week 10 - the baby is IN:)

So Monday evening we got to see our precious Nug for the first time! It was pretty amazing and surreal. People asked me if I cried, I didn't. I just smiled like a big doofus. :)

Also, for the first time people have been telling me that I'm showing. I rolled my eyes at first, but then went into the bathroom at work yesterday, at only 10 weeks and a couple of days, and here's what I look like from the side:
Woah. They are right. I am worried that at this rate I'll be a whale. My goal for this weekend and next week is to get on the elliptical machine. I'm lacking motivation big time, but I want to get in better shape. I owe it to Nug! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

9 Week + 4 Day Check-In

I look like I'm 7 months pregnant. Awesome.

Mood/Energy/Appetite:I feel... better. The waves of nausea are pretty occasional, I have more energy, and my appetite isn't huge. I've been in an awesome mood up until last night when I got cranky and sleepy at like 6pm. Nick took excellent care of me. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I think of how lucky I am!
Weight:Up 3 pounds. More than I would like at this point, but as you can see from the picture... well, it obviously went to my belly.
Clothes:I broke down went shopping for some "bigger" clothes. Most of my clothes that are juniors sizes M and L are uncomfortable now because the last thing I want is something fitted. So I bought some new shirts and held them out in the belly to make sure they had room to grow. Also got a new bra, because the girls are growing at an alarming rate. Most of my 34D bras are too small! I also ordered some maternity clothes I found on sale. I got two dresses and two shirts for $38.50 on Destination Maternity. So cute! :)
Gender:Nick thinks twins, a boy and a girl. I think he's crazy. I am pretty sure there is just one in there and that it's a boy. Or a girl. I really don't know!
Dr. Appointments:Monday! 4 Days! I can't wait!!!! I have a list of things to ask the doctor all ready to go and I can't wait to see this little nugget.
Anything else?I'm ready to start exercising more. I've been doing the occasional walk and elliptical machine, but with the lack of energy it hasn't taken much to wear me out. I'd like to get the go-ahead from my doctor on Monday to start a better exercise routine. So I'm anxious to see what he says.

Well, that's all for my check-in. I'm going to try to do this at least every other week. I've been really slacking so far. Next week I'll have ultrasound pictures to share! So stay tuned...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 6 (+3 days) Check In

So I finally broke down and took a belly pic. I am really wishing I wouldn't have gained that 15 pounds over the holidays! Yuck! I guess I'll be trying to do these pictures weekly. Obviously now it's all fat/bloat. I'm counting down the days until it's the baby and not the belly fat!


Weight: Haven't gained a thing, yet.

Symptoms: My boobs are less sore than the past two weeks, but they seem to be getting bigger and are looking weird (I will spare you those lovely details). The nausea set in a few days ago, and unless I am eating, I am nauseous from 10am until I fall asleep. It's really quite a joy. So although I've made a few mad dashes into the bathroom, so far I've managed to keep everything down.

That's all for the update. Thanks for reading this, mom. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yep. I created a baby blog.

So, I am 6 weeks pregnant. My husband and I are elated and it is the worst kept secret in the world (i.e. It's not really a secret). Our first doctor's appointment is in 3 1/2 weeks (February 21st). That feels like forever away!

Well, my lunch hour is totally over, I'll update this thing later. Just wanted to make my first post. I feel so cool.