Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Oh, I have a blog?

Okay okay so I have this really annoying friend ::cough::cough:: Lacey ::cough:: who pointed out that I "DO, IN FACT, HAVE A BLOG." Just because I stopped updating does not make it NOT a blog, apparently. And, said friend, who must be totally obsessed with me and my child, wants me to do a particular post. So I will. First, let's get you caught up.

This is what Troy looked like when he was born.

This is what he looks like today. (Well, last week).

Oh and I'm pregnant AGAIN. 24 weeks. And this is what I look like... hehe just kidding. No mirror selfies, anymore. Nope. It's a new me.  


I have no idea how tall he is but he weighs around 30 pounds. He's not short, not tall. Size 2T pants fit now, but some are starting to get flood-y. 3T's need rolled up at least 2 inches. Not sure if that gets you anywhere.  


Ah, sleep. My biggest and grandest parenting fail. See, 0-6 months were pretty awesome. He started STTN pretty early on, slept right in his crib, no problem. Then he got sick and we brought him into bed with us for a few nights because of the excessive congestion. BIG MISTAKE. Two years later we are still paying for it. But, since paying for it includes loves and snuggles, it isn't all bad. Here's how things work now. I go to bed with Troy, Nick goes to bed in our room. IF I get up after he falls asleep and get in bed with Nick, Troy wakes up in the middle of the night and crawls in bed with both of us. I'm talking every time. 2am-3am, whatever. Nick cannot sleep with Troy because he is a light sleeper and Troy wallers and talks and cries in his sleep. Yes, wallers is a technical sleeping term. Get with it. So, if said scenario plays out, Nick then gets into Troy's bed. The sleep shuffle. Obviously this is not a permanent fix. Obviously he needs to learn to sleep by himself before the baby gets here. Right? Please tell me "yes, Natalie, get with it." Because I obviously need the motivation. He still needs naps. At least an hour and a half. He averages 2 at daycare, 1.5 with me, and 3 with daddy or his paps.  


Oh did I skip the part where we bought Troy a full sized bed? Yep, he has that. What other milestone? I think he has all his teeth including his 2 year molars. I am not 100% sure, how bad is that? He walks, talks (a lot), climbs, jumps (sort of), and rides his tricycle. Does all the normal "big kid" stuff that makes me want to bust into tears right this second. He is NOT potty trained. He drinks a lot. Juice, water, and milk. So, the frequent amount of pees are exhausting to keep up with and the kid is just not ready. He will poop in the potty 95% of the time. And he will pee if we ask him to. But, once again, need to get motivated and get on top of it.  


Troy's favorites are 1. Mommy and 2. Milk. I am not trying to brag here but I am his world. He would eat, breath, sleep, his mommy right now. His "happy place" is cuddling with me while drinking his milk. He also likes playing pretend with his cars and peoples, going to Paps house, and being outside. Paps is his #1 buddy. He likes to sing and dance and play "school bus" with me. Which is the world's most annoying game.  


I think Troy is probably the typical toddler when it comes to food, with the exception of his obsession with milk. He would drink milk all day and not eat if I would let him. When we do convince him to eat, he likes cheese, mac & cheese, green beans, fruits, and all things sweet. Obviously we try to capitalize on the green beans and fruit interest.  


I already mentioned his Paps. Troy really does take a liking to the men in his life and he has some great ones. He hangs on every word his daddy and Papaw (Nick's dad) say. It's really funny how affectionate he is to me, but how he ignores me completely and he is the complete opposite with them. Relationships are what Troy does best. He has a special relationship with all family members. He shares inside jokes with them and knows how to make them feel special, I think.

He has recently started talking about his friends at school, which I think is awesome. He seems very timid around other kids, scared of being hit or knocked over. But they say he does great at daycare. So, hopefully that is just when he's around me. I think sometimes I bring out the worst in him, because I'm like his security blanket. He has a buddy, Jude, who he gets along great with. If he ever doesn't he will have to get over it, because Jude's mommy is MY BFF. So he will just have to deal. 

Overall, I would describe Troy as gentle, loving, and sensitive. He is my WORLD.